Thursday, October 31, 2019
Gap Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Gap Analysis - Essay Example Today, California program has led to an improved patients health care needs. There has been complaining of burn out effects experienced by nurses both locally and internationally. With increasing health care demands, the number of nurses employed has been constantly undesirable. The impact is a reduction in standards of health care advanced to the patients, and the nurse-patient contact has significantly reduced. According to 2010 study by University of Pennsylvania, 29% of the nurses interviewed in California complained of excessive work and burned out effect (Levin 2013). In addition, 34% in New Jersey and 36% in Pennsylvania highlighted lack of minimum staff requirement as a great hindrance to quality health care (Levin 2013). High number of staff employed translates to quality of care given to patients. Where there are few nurses, there are a high number of complication of diseases and sadly, deaths. A comparative analysis of the two states indicated that there were 13.9% fewer surgical deaths in California than of New Jersey. Besides, according to the 2007 Medical Care Report, it proved that an increase of one Registered Nurse (RN) per patient translated to 24% reduction in time taken by the patient in the intensive care unit. Besides, there was a 31% reduction of time take in the surgical unit (Levin 2013). Basing on the consistency of the information, it is, therefore, important to enforce nurse-patient ratio. Evidence-Based Practice is consistent on the importance of having one nurse to one patient in intensive care unit while one nurse for six patients is desirable in surgical cases. The nursing staff ratio is critical in ensuring timely and appropriate nursing care is given to the patients. Levin (2013) states that the Nurse-patient ratio has been the subject of discussion in the health care for a few decades. As primary health care givers, their role is holistic, this is an evolutionary approach in responding to the
Monday, October 28, 2019
Oil and Non-Oil Economy of the UAE Essay Example for Free
Oil and Non-Oil Economy of the UAE Essay The general dichotomization of the economy of the United Arab Emirates is into the oil and non-oil sectors. While the aggregate output remains dependent on oil production, the United Arab Emirates is focusing on the development of its non-oil sector as part of its diversification plan. However, its ability to develop fully its non-oil sector depends on the performance of its oil sector. One consideration is the relative contribution of the oil and non-oil sectors to the economy. The other consideration is the ability to the oil-sector to support the diversification plan in the non-oil sector. Abed and Hellyer (2001) explained that in 1998 the production of crude oil accounted for less than a quarter or 22 percent of gross domestic product. However, even if the contribution of crude oil production to aggregate output is less than a quarter, the impact of the sector on the economy is much bigger. Oil exports contributed 37 percent of earnings in foreign exchange and 60 percent of public sector revenue. The oil sector contributes to the aggregate economy in four fronts, which are business investment, household income and consumption, public spending, and net exports. This substantiates the claim that the oil sector comprises the backbone of the UAE economy. Further growth occurred in the oil sector in 2006 with the Ministry of Information and Culture (2006) reporting that the oil and gas sector contributed 28 percent to aggregate output. Concurrently, there is also growth in the non-oil sector, particularly in manufacturing and financial sectors. The UAE Federal Government (2008) further reported that oil and gas production experienced further growth by contributing one third to gross domestic product. This is primarily due to programs intending to optimize oil and gas production in the different emirates. At the same time, there is also solid growth in the non-oil sector. In the next years, the contribution of the oil sector should stabilize at one third of the economy and the non-oil sector becoming a stronger contributor to economic growth. This would allow the UAE to maximize returns from the oil and gas sector to boost growth in the non-oil sector. UAE Economic Developments to Achieve Diversification The United Arab Emirates is already on its way towards economic diversification. Although, the oil and gas sector remains as an important sector, the UAE has achieved developments in the non-oil sector. There are areas of economic developments that the UAE has to focus on to achieve diversification. Dunning (2005) identified the optimization of resource base as a means of achieving diversification. The UAE has to hone the potential of its key resources to establish different industries. The country has already done this by continuously developing its oil and gas sector. However, it also needs to optimize the resource base for the non-oil sector such as the development of land through urban planning or the urbanization of peripheral lands to provide venues for manufacturing and services sectors or the maintenance of natural resources for tourism. Another economic development needed to support diversification encompasses structural changes. According to Shihab (2006), the economic structure needs to support the needs of the non-oil sector. One way of achieving this is influencing employment patterns to develop labor force for the non-oil sector. This means investing in human services such as education and health to ensure labor productivity. Muysken and Nour (2006) stressed on the deficiencies in the educational system and low level of skills of the labor force as areas for improvement if the UAE wants to succeed in diversifying its economy. Another way is the establishment of different industries to broaden the economic base and create employment. A third economic development is integration of infrastructure and social structures to support diversification. DeNicola (2005) explained that infrastructure developments are necessary to attract investments and create employment opportunities for non-oil industries. Shihab (2006) explained that social factors such as the development of a culture of consumerism and calm co-existence among local minorities and expatriates support growth in the non-oil sector. Justification for Diversifying the UAE Economy Imbs and Wacziarg (2003) explained that the overall justification for economic diversification is sustainable growth by spreading economic risk across different industries. Economies reliant on a single sector such as the reliance of the member countries of the Gulf Cooperating Council on the oil sector also face high risks in the long-term because oil is a non-renewable resource (Fasano Iqbal 2003). There are also specific reasons for the goal of the UAE for diversifying its economy. One is avoidance of the effect of the oil curse theory, which explains that dependence on oil has long-term negative effects on the economy. Oil exporting countries gain revenue by relying on price fluctuations in the global market alone, which does not require investments or efficiency that in turn precludes long-term development of economic capabilities or competencies. Revenue generated from oil is sufficient to support welfare services, placing focus on allocation instead of production. (HSBC Middle East 2003; DeNicola 2005) Another justification is the maximization of revenue generation through resource development. Diversification would enable an oil dependent economy such as the UAE to gain revenue from its other resources. Sole reliance on oil limits the revenue generating potential of the economy and hampers economic efficiency by idling resources. (Shihab 2006) Another related reason is resolving revenue volatility. Dependence on oil involves the downside of volatility in the long-term because oil is non-renewable, which means oil reserves will eventually run out in the future. Oil dependent countries need to develop other sources of revenue to ensure continuity of revenue generation even after oil reserves have dwindled. (Gylfason 2004) Still another justification is human development by creating employment opportunities for the young population. The UAE has a predominantly young population, which means a pool of intellectual and skill resource able to support the development of non-oil industries. Diversification enables the economy to develop its human resources to increase quality of life and sustain productivity. (HSBC Middle East, 2003; Muysken Nour 2006) Non-Oil Sector in Economic Diversification for Sustainable Economic Development The Ministry of Information and Culture (2006) explained that the non-oil sector contributed 72 percent of the GDP of the UAE. This reflects the potential of developing the non-oil sector to achieve economic diversification and ensure sustainable economic development. The non-oil sector comprises goods manufacturing and services, with the former contributing 57. 9 percent and the latter contributing 42. 1 percent to GDP from the non-oil sector. Industries under goods manufacturing are agriculture, livestock and fisheries, mining, manufacturing, construction, and electricity, gas and water. Industries under services include restaurants and hotels, transportation, storage and communication, real estate and business, and social and private services. Diversification is already apparent in these various industries and there is still wide room for the development of these industries and the establishment of new industries. Hejmadi (2004) explained that development of the economic free zones were crucial to the development of different industries in goods manufacturing and services. These zones provided a venue and incentives for the flow of both domestic and foreign investments into diverse industries to create employment opportunities and contribute to the growth in aggregate output. Apart from the continuous development of these industries, a potential industry for diversification in the non-oil sector is tourism. Sharpley (2002) explained that tourism is becoming a ubiquitous means of achieving economic diversification for many countries seeking to secure long-term economic growth. Tourism fits the resource approach to sustainable growth since the UAE has many tourism destinations to attract tourists and its cultural openness also comprise an impetus for foreign tourists. Blanke and Mia (2006) reported that travel and tourism already exist as an industry in the UAE and contributing 1. 1 percent to GDP. There is wide potential for development. However, there are challenges to tourism development requiring investments in destination development and promotions (Sharpley, 2002; Henderson 2006) References Abed, I. Hellyer, P. (Eds. ), 2001. United Arab Emirates: a new perspective. London: Trident Press Ltd. Blanke, J. Mia, I. , 2006. Chapter 22 assessing travel tourism competitiveness in the Arab world. [Online] Available at: http://www. weforum. org/pdf/Global_Competitiveness_Reports/Reports/chapters/2_2. pdf [Accessed 25 January 2009] DeNicola, C. , 2005. Dubai’s political and economic development: an oasis in the desert?. Williamstown, MA: Williams College. Dunning, T. , 2005. Resource dependence, economic performance, and political stability. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 49(4), pp. 451-482. Fasano, U. Iqbal, Z. , 2003. GCC countries from oil dependence to diversification. Washington, DC: International Monetary Fund.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Academic Performance And Motivation Education Essay
Academic Performance And Motivation Education Essay This chapter aims to answer the following question, what are the differences in motivation between male and female, differences in motivation among the 3 year of study, and relationship between motivation and academic performance among UTAR students. This studys results suggest there is statistically significant difference in academic motivation between male and female, and significant difference in motivation among 3 years of study among UTAR students. However, there is significant relationship between motivation and academic performance among UTAR students. In addition, each variable will be examined for significant and non-significant differences between the genders, as well as applicability to previous studies, significance to college enrollment and possible future research. Motivation Results for motivation suggested there are statistically differences between male and female. This might be interpreted as meaning the more motivated a student is, the more likely they are to enroll in, attend regularly and graduate from University or College. Academic Motivation Scale-College Version (AMS-C) was used to measure motivation, which reported average scores of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. for male students andà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦for female students (see Tableà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ in Chapter 4). The data represents a difference found between the two groups, with the female students reporting higher levels of intrinsic motivation. When comparing male students and female students, results of this study suggest there are higher levels of motivation reported by the femala students. The current study found similarities to past research. According to Nadia (2010) indicated that female students more likely to have academic ethics than male students, which are characterized by higher academic attainment. Furthermore, the findings of the study show that female students were intrinsically motivated than males. In contrast, male students were extrinsically motivated than females. The possible explanations of these findings are that males are expected to be the main breadwinner of the family in society (Nadia, 2010). Whereas, for females, they are academic performance and motivation is based on self-exploration and internal satisfaction (Nadia, 2010). Data have shown that there is a significant link between a parents education and a childs motivation for college enrollment. Other research suggests, for first-generation students, the motivation to enroll in college is a deliberate attempt to improve his or her social, economic, and occupational standing (Ayala Striplen, 2002). Academic Performance and Motivation On top of that, findings suggest that there is significant relationship (r=.;n-)between motivation and academic performance among UTAR students. Academic performance was using grade point average (GPA) and the average of (B-). These findings are consistent with previous literature. Johnson (1996) and other researchers also found out that academic achievement is highly correlated with students motivation (as cited in Nadia, 2010). Due to the previous research, the types of the motivation can affect on the performance of the students. This is because intrinsic and extrinsic motivation effects on the achievement and goals of the students performance. Students enjoyment when they learn new things is an example of intrinsic motivation. For instance, student may do their homework because they find it interesting and satisfying to learn about certain subjects (Isiksal, 2010). Findings also supported previous research based on SDT, which posit the relation between students being intrinsically motivated and academically successful (Turner, Chandler Heffer, 2009). As Fortes, Rodrigues and Tchantchane (2010) pointed out that when students are realize that the academic courses can improve their career prospects, they will be motivated to improve their academic performance as well. These types of students are tending to more on extrinsic motivation and other such as they want to get more reward or praise. Moreover, students with ammotivation also can affect their academic performance. They will experience feelings of incompetence and expectancies of uncontrollability they perceive their behavior as caused by forces out their own control. They feel undeceived and start asking themselves why in the world, why they go to school or they may stop participating in academic activities (Nadia, 2010). Year of Study The results for motivation among 3 years of study in UTAR students. This could be due to the differences in age and experience during their study in University. A research done by Uguroglu (1982) and McClure (1986) found that older students were more stable in certain personality characteristics and have higher achievement motivation and self-control than the younger one (as cited in Habibah Elias Rafaei abdul Rahman, 1995). Female stuents hv in general a better motivation profile and spent more time studying for their courses. Due to these observations, it is expected that the average female student would be the significant better performer in her first year at university. But it was observed, that the group of female students did not scored better in their first year. Students find increasingly little that is directly relevant or useful in their daily lives or those students ability belief and goal orientations shift from being positive and task focused to being more pessimistic and performance focused in their study. Intrinsic motivation is certainly not being supplanted by extrinsic motivation in the second year in University (Lepper, Iyengar Corpus, 2005) . Limitations of the Study There have several limitations that are identified during the progress of completing in this study such as that is related to population sample limitations to only one University, with a limited amount of student willing or able to participate. It might be more beneficial towards this type of research to have a wider range of University involvement in hopes to have a larger amount of student participants. With a larger amount of participants, this research could possible give results that are more inferential and accurate from the data. In addition, there is the lack of a large sample size within the target population. Instead of focusing research efforts on just one University, students from all Kampar,Perak state University or College could be considered as potential participants. It suggested that a larger population yield a larger amount of participants and could potentially lower instances of extraneous flaws thus results are reliable and valid to all state-level University or College populations. On top of that, this research is only focusing on the demographic variable, such as years of study, gender and GPA. However, there were other variables that might affect the level of motivation and academic performance. For example, classrooms environment, parental-child attachment styles, parental behavior, urban or rural area, peer pressure, courses, faculty, socioeconomic status (SES) and others. Those variables may account for the shift in intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Another possible flaw is an inadequate time to collect the questionnaires. Even have give enough time for participants to fill in the questionnaire, but they may not collaboration to participate answering the questionnaire. Additional research is needed in order to get the reliability results and to determine the generalization of such findings to other populations and cultures. Recommendations for Future Research With the conclusion of this study, some possible recommendations for future research haven arisen. In the future, studies could aim to focus on younger demographic where intervention can be assesses and applied. This would include factors that are currently lacking, like motivation and college academic preparation. This research study discovery that preparing people for college starts at young age, as early as elementary school. This information could initiate further research, which aspires at a much younger demographic than the current study. Possible development of interventions for implementing programs that targets for the purpose of college preparation and provide the social support needed for these youth to be motivated to want and attend college could also be explored. Moreover, it is important assess the absence of parental figures, like with those in prison or who have passed away. For example, if a child is raised by a single parent, it might be important to narrow down factors and see how perceived social support and motivation apply to his or her circumstance. Once again by knowing what could contribute to these individuals can further assist those interested in implementing programs that target these particular populations. In the Western countries, researchers are very focusing about youngers education and performance in school, and there have many research talking about this, but yet very few research in Malaysia. Therefore more research should be conducted in order to know more about the students motivation in school, how this can effect on their learning and the perception or early support services for parents. Therefore, future research could be important in finding which variables are contributing to or the level of motivation in homes as children develop ideals for future. This would be helped to improve the education and getting more researches in Malaysia. Conclusion
Thursday, October 24, 2019
A South Korean Company that Operates in China Essay -- Asian Economics
A South Korean Company that Operates in China This report address’s the requirements at hand to select a South Korean company that has operations in China Executive Summary: In 1992, Samsung Electronics adopted the form of a wholly owned subsidiary as the entry mode into China. It’s entry into China was in order to maintain growth due to the tough competition in Korea. China was selected in order to take advantage of its low wages for the mass production of low to medium priced products. The initial manufacturing ground was at Tianjin due to its costal location hence making it easy to export abroad and to major locations in China. The original focus of producing low cost products resulted in a cheap image of Samsung in China and led to a loss of US$210,000 in 1998 for its Suzhou division. The 1997 Asian economic crisis led to Samsung shifting its focus towards higher quality products. Samsung realised they could not compete with the Chinese manufacturers in terms of low priced products. In order to remain competitive in China, Samsung shifted its marketing strategy to one based on â€Å"selection and concentration†. After 1997, the focus was on the 10 major cities in China including Beijing, Tianjin, Suzhou, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Samsung came up with the â€Å"5% strategy†, targeting their products at the top 5% earners in China. The intensity of their Research & Development (R&D) in China grew with the expansion of their plant at Suzhou. Recently, there appears to be a shift in their operations from the Pearl River Delta to the Yangtze River Delta. This allows Samsung to take advantage of the better skilled personnel and infrastructure available for R&D. Samsung also set up a second Headquarters in Beijing which is responsible for marketing, personnel recruitment and for shaping of Samsung’s long term ambitions in China. Introduction: The Samsung group has 116 subsidiaries in 67 countries and received sales revenue from local subsidiaries of US$29billion. Over the last 5 years sales and net income have increased 1.6 times and 45 times, respectively. Sales in 2010 are anticipated to be 1.9 times that of 2002, with pre-tax profits expected to increase 2.1 times. Samsung is a heavily diversified company, and in order to best demonstrate its market entry to China, the report will look at the electronics arm to demonstr... ...eman, E., 2003. "Can the Pearl River Delta region still compete?", in The China Business Review, 30(3): 6-17, pages 53-63.  · Skopal, A. and C.J.Zhu, 2002. "An evaluation of entry strategy development in China?", in The 4th International Symposium on Multinational Business Management Proceedings, Nanjing, China, May 19-21, pages 65-73  · New York Times, 1991, (cited 9 May 2005) ‘Korean Companies in China’, late edition (East Coast), New York, pg. D20,  · Christian Science Monitor, 1992, (cited 9 May 2005) ‘High-Tech Giant Gears for Future The president of Samsung Electronics Company’, pre-1997 Full text, Boston, Mass, pg. NOPGCIT,  · Strategic Direction, 1999, (cited 9 May 2005), ‘Samsung Electronics play the China Card’, Bradford: Jul/Aug, Vol.15, Iss. 7, pg. 24  · Sender H., 2003, (cited 9 May 2005) ‘World Business (A Special Report); Back From the Brink: Samsung Electronics got into trouble by being like many Asian firms; It survived by being different’, Wall Street Journal (Eastern Edition), New York, Sep. 22, pg. R.5  · Lee, B. J., 2004, (cited 9 May 2005) ‘Gotta Be Chinese’, Newsweek New York: Jun 28, Vol. 143, Iss. 26, pg. E8
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
God in Nature Essay
Looking at two different definitions of the word nature, I gained a better understanding of what the phrase, â€Å"God in Nature†, means. The first said that it was, â€Å"the essential qualities or characteristics by which something is recognized†(www. wordnetweb. princeton. edu), and the other described it as, â€Å"The material world and its phenomena†(www. answers. com). The earth, and everything in it, is â€Å"God in Nature†, it has the very nature of God Himself, just as it is the nature of a flower to bloom. Nature is just one of the ways that God speaks to mankind. So, in other words, God is in nature, and nature is in God. Curtis Questions Some things are learned, and some things come natural to you, you don’t know how or when they became a part of you, but you just somehow know how to do them. I believe if we’ll listen in a little harder we can hear the voice of God instructing us on how to do things a little simpler, and a little better. Just like the farmer in Isaiah, I too have experienced God enabling me to do things I was never taught. I am a singer/songwriter, and there are times I come up with things musically, and I know it is from God because I definitely wouldn’t have normally thought to do it that way. General revelation involves God’s witness through creation itself. General revelation is open to all who will receive it, for it is all around us. One thing that I have learned through general revelation is that, experience may not always be the best teacher, but it is necessary to gain wisdom in certain things, like how to discipline your children the right way. Art has played the leading role in most of my life, especially the art of music. There are times when I am feeling down, but a song will come from within, or from someone else, and it will lift my spirit. â€Å"Most Christians are omfortable using general revelation to build a house or evaluate nutrition. They are often far less comfortable using information from disciplines like psychology or anthropology (also general revelation). †(Curtis 1996) I believe it is difficult for most Christians to accept the studies of psychology and anthropology, because it is more personal, dealing with the human mind, and behavior. Christians believe we are to be disciplined in our minds by gaining the mind of Christ through His Word, and if we study too deep into our emotions and feelings (which are natural), we miss the mark. Sometimes our human emotions can cause us to think twice about the Word of God. I used to think that people who were mentally disabled had some form of demon possession, because of stories from the scripture, but as I got older and learned more about chemical imbalances in the brain etc†¦my opinion about that was changed. The Bible says â€Å"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,†says the Lord â€Å" For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts. †(Isaiah 55:8-9). This is why, as Christians, we cannot solely depend on studies of the human mind and behavior. Some people refuse to accept God for who He is because of their human experiences. I knew a man once who hated God or that thought of Him because he had lost his mother at a very early age. He became bitter and began to believe God had killed his mother, so God could not be all good. Theologians with nature & Guthrie arguments â€Å"Theologians argue that man’s universal understanding that there is a divine being stands as an indication for his existence. (Wead). Shirley Guthrie (Guthrie, Christian Doctrine, Revised Edition, pages 41-42), lists six arguments used by philosophers and theologians through the centuries: â€Å" (1) the world is not self-explanatory, (2) the universe displays purpose, (3) world history and personal experience point to God’s existence, (4) conscience bears witness to the existence of God, (5) we have spiritual awareness of a divine presence deep within, and (6) the world seems to function in a rational way. †Two areas general revelation is useful Besides man’s ability to reason that there is a God, general revelation is often employed in two other areas. First, it is used to reason that there is a basic set of moral values that all men reason to be true. †(Wead) It is always said that you don’t have to teach a child how to lie, it just comes natural for them to do it, and it is the adult’s responsibility to correct that behavior. I believe we are just born with a set of moral standards built in our conscience. The child lies to begin with, because most likely they did something wrong, and are afraid of the possible consequences. Second, we reason that general revelation provides us with insight into the nature of God that we could not appreciate through special revelation alone. †(Wead). For example, our universe bears the mark of intelligent design and purpose. God speaks to us through His creation and it is not for lack of evidence that people reject God; it is because they refuse to see. General revelation is open to anyone who will open their eyes and see. General and Special Revelation General revelation, I believe was meant to be discovered through our senses, for it is in the world around us. Some things are more apparent, and other things you have to dig a little deeper to find out. Like the body and the way that it functions, we know we have a brain that sends messages to our bodies, keeping things going, but since we don’t see those brains, we must dig a little deeper to learn from it. For it too, is a part of the world around us. Nothing about DNA or nuclear fusion is found in Scripture, yet few would deny that those constitute part of reality. †(Curtis 1996). Special Revelation is the Scriptures. †In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets, at many times and in various ways. †(Hebrews 1:1). The writers were led by the Holy Spirit to communicate exactly what God was saying. â€Å"Curtis sees general revelation as an interpreter of special revelation. In other words, when we read the Scriptures we use our experience of nature to validate what we read in Scripture. †(Wead). Summary I have gained a better understanding of how useful general revelation is to the believer. I think sometimes we as Christians, get so spiritually minded that we forget there is a whole world around us, which may not necessarily be mention in the Bible, but is meant to couple with scripture to get a better understanding of the â€Å"Bigger Picture†, so to speak.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Rohypnol essays
Rohypnol essays To inform people about Rohypnol Topic: Rohypnol (date rape drug/roofies) Its strange how someone can be having a great time one minute and the next, be fighting for their life. Well, numerous teenage girls have been in this situation. Some are fortunate to have another shot and fight in order to go back to the life they knew before that dreadful minute, and others remain forever lost in those sixty seconds. According to the website accessed on October 24, 2004, Ellen Kuwana, a Neuroscience for Kids Staff Writer, stated that Rohypnol, is a drug that depresses the central nervous system and is also used as a sleeping aid. Although illegal in the U.S., Ellen Kuwana states that Rohypnol is made in Europe and Latin America and is distributed throughout the world. Rohypnol is a serious problem affecting todays youth all around the globe. Today I will discuss what Rohypnol (the date rape drug) is as well as its different uses. Second, I will tell you about who uses Rohypnol, how, and why there has been an increase in the teen use of t his substance. Finally, I will share with you what happens as well as what the side effects are of using this potent drug. O Lets shift over to my first point. I. Rohypnol (the date rape drug) is a drug and has several different uses. A. The manufacturers of Rohypnol and what it is made for. 1. According to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administrations website accessed on October 24, 2004, Rohypnol is made by Hoffman-La Roche, Inc., which is a large Pharmaceutical company. 2. This drug demoralizes the central nervous system. 3. This drug is colorless, odorless, and flavorless. B. The different uses of Rohypnol. 1. It is also used in combination with other drugs such as heroin, and cocaine to make he effect of the drug even more powerful. 2. Rohypnol is used as an aid for insomnia. It also allows individuals taking i ...
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