Monday, December 30, 2019
The Effects Of Climate Change On Urban Areas - 931 Words
Climate change has caused negative effects in urban areas. Variation in the statistical distribution of climate patterns when that change continues for an extensive period refers to climate change. The adverse impacts of the city include health problems for some dwellers, freshwater scarcity and urban heat effect. Improving the life standards of residents in towns through adaptation and mitigation strategies for climate change is one challenge for the future. This essay outlines the major problems caused by climate change and evaluates three possible strategies to address the negative impacts, with the purpose to improve the quality of life of the citizens in urban areas. This essay argues that an integration plan will address these problems more efficiently. The impacts of climate change in urban areas have affected the standard of living of urban citizens for a variety of reasons. Firstly, climate change affects social and environmental determinants of health include clean air, safe drinking water, sufficient food and secure shelter (WHO 2015). Between 2030 and 2050, climate change is presumed to cause about 250 000 extra deaths per year, from malaria, malnutrition, diarrhea and heat stress (WHO 2015). Also, fresh water is expected to become increasingly scarce in the future and this is partly due to changes in the water cycle, caused by climate change, reducing our ability to store and use it. Despite global increases in rain, several dry regions covering theShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Climate Change On Urban Areas871 Words  | 4 Pagespercent of the total population lives in urban areas (UN-Habitat 2009 p. xxii). Growing urbanization has led to many consequences on the environment. As a result, many cities face detrimental effects as the climate is becoming unfavourable daily. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
Settlement Houses Providing Social and Educational...
During the Progressive Era, settlement houses were opened to provide social and educational services to the immigrants in need. These settlement houses also became meeting spots where reformers and intellectuals of all kinds could discuss various problems in society. The most well-known settlement house was created by Jane Addams and her good friend, Ellen Gates Starr. The Hull House, which was named after Mr. Hull, was located in Chicagos Nineteenth Ward. It housed immigrants with diverse nationalities such as Italians, Bohemians, Irish, English, Germans, Americans, Canadians, and Russians. As a result, the new immigrants coming in sought neighbors of their own language and beliefs. At the time, the Nineteenth Ward had the highest†¦show more content†¦In addition, Addams wouldve assigned this woman a job that was in her best interest without paying her. Addams wanted immigrants to cherish their ethnic traditions and not conform to American ideals. During the 1900s Addams ha d earned respect for being an advocate for those who didnt have much. As a result of the success Hull House had, settlement houses had opened in other big American cities. Settlement houses usually took up a lot of space so they needed a whole neighborhood block. The settlement house changed the lives of those it served, providing a boarding club for young women in the workforce known as the Jane club. The Hull house house gave middle class women the chance to step outside of the home in order to be independent. Addams also wanted to tackle a serious issue, which was getting rid of the overwhelming trash on the streets. This made the conditions in the Nineteenth Ward poor, the homes and streets were unsanitary. The trash needed to be thrown away properly to prevent children from getting sick and dying of disease. People had been dying from typhoid and most people believed this was caused by the flies which had been carrying it around. Addams became a garbage inspector and organized a better plan to pick up garbage and dispose of it correctly for the Nineteenth Ward. This led to a significant decrease in the death rate of the Nineteenth Ward. Other parts of the city that werent so lucky, didnt know how to have aShow MoreRelatedSocial Service Delivery Is A Mechanism Through Which The1286 Words  | 6 PagesSocial service delivery is a mechanism through which the social programs are delivered to the needy one by private or public agencies. Social programs are designed to deliver significant social goals thereby meeting ongoing needs of people. In the past, when people needed help they initially turned to their families as the helping resource. 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These children may be unable to concentrate or focus or may be unwilling to interact with peers due to poverty related circumstancesRead MoreThe Issue of Immigration: The Hispanic-American Diversity1456 Words  | 6 Pagespolitical, social, and family conventions and this misconception too often leads to biases and prejudices that create barriers. In reality, there are a many similarities between Hispanic groups but there are also many differences that characterize each group as being unique. Among the Hispanic groups that have immigrated to America are considerable numbers from Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Central and South America. Just like most Americans whose background includes a mixture of immigrants from variousRead MoreJane Addams in Action Essay3556 Words  | 15 PagesAction is inherent in the tasks of a social activist. Ideas alone are not enough. Though the development of philosophies and manifestos is the basis for every social movement and every stride toward social justice, without social action and the social activist, little can ever be accomplished. The great social activist must, by definition, be the great social action taker. Jane Addams was the epitome of such an action taker. Addams herself believed that ideas were not enough. She was not satisfiedRead MoreJane Addams And Gloria Steinem1903 Words  | 8 Pagesspoken up for the equality of women and pushed for social reform. Jane Addams and Gloria Steinem are more than feminists, they are activists with many accomplishments that changed the lives for every woman of their time. Jane Addams is a well-known historical feminist, activist, social worker, and leader in women’s suffrage whose legacy still lives on today. Although she was considered radical for her time, she thought of ways to push for social and political reforms in socially acceptable ways.Read MoreHistory of Social Work18530 Words  | 75 PagesInstitute of Social Sciences Compiled by S.Rengasamy-History of Social Welfare / Social Work Contents History of Social Welfare/ Social Work ..........................................................................................................................3 The need to understand history of social work .............................................................................................................3 Framework to understand History of Social Welfare / Social Work .....Read MoreJeannette Rankin3935 Words  | 16 Pagesfamily)? (2) How did she transition from a country girl to a social activist (education, networking, inspiration)? (3) What societal contributions did she accomplish during her life (compassion, sacrifice, inspiration)? (4) What are her lasting gifts to society (the culmination of a life committed to morals)? It is through this examination of behaviors and commitments that the true picture of Jeannette s lasting social and moral contributions is measured. It will be easy to see thatRead MoreA Study On Integrated Transportation System3301 Words  | 14 Pagesplantations and the Dutch took advantage of this and used it for rice, fruit, tea, tobacco, and coffee plantations, which is still in use today. Being only 140km south east of Jakarta (Indonesia’s capital city), Bandung attracts many weekend travelers, immigrants and international tourists. These visitors come to visit the shopping, natural attractions and historical districts. With its population density of 16,500 people/km2 and the additional tourists, Bandung has been experiencing numerous developmental
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Cory Ng Edsa Reaction Free Essays
TITLE: Twilight Saga; Breaking Dawn AUTHOR: Stephenie Meyer DATE BOOK WAS PUBLISHED: August 2, 2008 GENRE: Fantasy, Action and Romance I. SUMMARY MAIN CHARACTERS (a few words about them) Isabella Swan – Isabella, who prefers to be called Bella, is a 17-year-old girl. She leaves Phoenix, Arizona to live with her father in Forks, Washington so her mother can travel with her new husband. We will write a custom essay sample on Cory Ng Edsa Reaction or any similar topic only for you Order Now She meets Edward Cullen in Forks High School and is immediately attracted to him. She later confesses to Edward what she has learned about him, which he admits to; they venture into their forbidden love, with Edward fighting against his thirst for Bella’s blood. Bella has a kind and awkward personality that is more mature than most girls her age. She is highly intelligent and observant, noticing and then formulating theories about the Cullens’ strange behaviors, physical features, and unusual abilities. At the novel’s beginning, Bella finds, â€Å"the hardest part is making a decision, but once the decision is made, she can easily follow. †As the novel progresses, Bella unconsciously learns how to make difficult choices and accept their consequences. Edward Cullen – Edward is a 104-year-old vampire who was transformed by Carlisle Cullen when he was near death with Spanish Influenza in 1918. He has a supernatural gift for reading people’s minds. When he met Bella, he was immediately attracted to her because her thoughts are unreadable to him, and also to her strongly appealing blood scent. Edward tries to avoid Bella for own her safety, but fails. He notices Bella’s attraction to him and warns her that he is dangerous. Eventually, he confesses the truth about himself to her. Since Edward’s transformation into a vampire, he had never fallen in love nor believed that he needed to. He later realizes that his existence was completely pointless and without an aim. In Bella he finds compassion, love, acceptance and care. In Twilight, Edward has a pessimistic personality influenced by Meyer’s naturally pessimistic character. His character was also influenced by Mr. Rochester of Jane Eyre who also sees himself as a monster. James – James is a vampire with an exceptional ability to track people, whether humans or vampires. His competitive character loves a challenge, and Bella’s appealing scent incite him. When the Cullens react to defend her, James wants to take on biggest game of his lifeâ€â€hunting Bella, knowing the Cullens will oppose him. James tracks Bella to Phoenix, and phones her to say that he has taken her mother hostage in a nearby ballet studio. Bella goes there, unaware that her mother is actually safe in Florida. In the studio, James bites Bella, injecting his venom into her wrist. The Cullens arrive in time to save her and destroy James. PLOT The story begins when, The first chapter, entitled â€Å"Engaged†, starts off a few days before the wedding while Edward is off hunting leaving Bella home without him. Bella is driving a new expensive sports car, a Mercedes-Benz s600 Guardian. Edward gave it to her because her old ’53 Chevy finally died. When she stops at a gas station, two men admire her car and tell her that the car hasn’t been released in the United States or Europen yet. She then goes home. Bella stays in her car and uses the cell phone, that again Edward bought her, to call Seth Clearwater, a werewolf who Edward is now friends with after they fought Victoria. She asks how Jacob Black is doing. Seth tells her that Jacob, still is in his wolf form, is somewhere in Northern Canada and that he is not coming home. Bella is upset, because she just wants to see him again. She then has recollections of the night that she told Charlie about her engagement. When Bella had finally had the courage to tell her father, Charlie just assumed that Bella was pregnant. He also laughed hysterically when he realized how Bella’s mother, Renee would react. But Bella’s Mom took the news well, and even offer to help with the wedding plans! Bella was shocked! When Bella goes inside the house Alice is fitting Charlie into his tuxedo for the wedding, and then says that it’s Bella’s turn. While she is being fitted by Alice, Bella thinks about Edward, and how nice it will be after the wedding, and the honeymoon. The wedding then comes and goes rather quickly, and the book speeds into the honeymoon. Edward takes her to Isle Esme, a present from Carlisle to Esme, off the coast of Brazil. Edward also grants Bella’s wish and makes love to her. The next day they argue because Edward’s passion leaves dark bruises all over Bella’s body. Although Bella doesn’t care about the injuries, he insists that they spend their days doing tiring activities to make her too tired for nything at night. Meanwhile, she has a dream about a small, green-eyed boy that she feels compelled to protect. Bella also finds herself constantly hungry and sick It is only until she sees a box of unused tampons that she packed that she realized that she is pregnant. She automatically becomes attached to the baby, even thought it will kill her, and Edward is worried. They rush hom e to the Cullen mansion, but Bella has called upon Rosalie to help protect her baby, so Edward is not allowed to go through with an abortion. Most of the story takes place (when and where) Most of the story of Breaking Dawn takes place in Forks, Washington at the Cullen house and in Bella and Edward’s new cottage in the woods. There’s also a short jump to Isle Esme, just off the coast of Brazil, where Edward and Bella spend their honeymoon. The main events and problems that happen are Bella and Edward get married and have a kid together. The volturi try to kill the kid but it ends up being okay. The problem in this story is when Bella becomes pregnant with Edward’s child during honey moon and once Edward tells her they will get rid of it she calls Rosalie for help. She loves this baby even though it is just in her stomach at the moment and even though the baby is killing her she won’t get rid of it and if anyone tries, Rosalie will take care of them. After Bella’s baby is born the Volturi decide that they need to get rid of the Cullens as they are gaining too much power. They realise that saying Bella’s baby is unsafe to the world of vampires and keeping it a secret would be a perfect oportunity to do this. So the Volturi come and instead of the usual fighting battle it is a battle of the minds. The story end when Well, in the last part of Breaking Dawn†¦ Bella and Edward tuck their daughter, Renesmee, to bed. It was a happy ending The Volturi left the Cullen in peace thanks to Alice! Edward heard Bella’s thought for the first time as she learnt how to push away her shield for a few seconds. And Renesmee will be with Edward and Bella FOREVER!! II. AUTHORS MAIN IDEA I think the author was trying to say that, that never lose hope just because things are really bad III. SPECIAL FEATURE One part of the book that makes it special (or weakens it) is, When Bella and Edward get married. IV. YOUR OPINION This book made me feel that, Life can bring you surprises , but tou must nit give up 🙂 Wait until marriage before you have sex. No abortion, prasie your child, save and protect your child at all costs. Defend what is right, what you believe in. Help your friends defend what is right, what they believe in. and Good triumphs over evil. I would/would not recommend this book beacause, I would recommend this book because it is very interesting. We can learn many things about fantasy like vampires, how they live in their life everyday. So we should spend time reading books so we can develop our comprehensive skills. How to cite Cory Ng Edsa Reaction, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Effects of Big Data on Sports Analytics-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the Business Intelligence using Big Data. Answer: Introduction Sports Analytics are a collection of data that are related to the statistics of different players within single system. These stats are used by the coaches of different sports teams in order to evaluate a project performance of the players. Sports analytics are mostly popular in sports like baseball, basketball, American football and soccer. Sports analytics were first successfully used in a season by former baseball coach Billy Beane where he used the statistical data of players instead of their current performances to buy from other teams and play him in his own team. He successfully used the technique (known as sabremetrics) to become the league champion in that season in 2001. Sports analytics have come a long way from that revolutionary year and is now used by coaches of different sports. Moreover, with the introduction of Big Data, sports analytics find more applicability and practicality in different sports. Previously, sports analytics data was stored in written documents. Ho wever, paper documents easily got destroyed or worn out and hence, the data could not be stored for a long amount of time. However, with the development of Big Data, this particular problem seems to be solved. After the development of information system, data could be stored in storage devices as well as virtual storage interface. There are several web based companies that have designed different websites where the consumers can check different players and teams statistics. Some of these websites are (soccer), (cricket), (baseball) and others. In this report, the effects of Big Data on Sports Analytics and the related factors are analyzed and discussed. Data Collection and Storage Data Collection System Data collections in sports have been done manually before the development of modern automatic data collection techniques and Big Data. Due to the manual handling of the system, the data was often inaccurate. Moreover, due to the high pace of the game, the scorers were not able to cope up with the speed of the game and hence, made many errors. Another issue with the manual system was that the stats were changed so quickly that the viewers could not catch the exact score or statistic. This system called for a massive change in order to make it more effective and efficient as well as recordable so that it can be rewinded whenever needed by the user (Agarwal and Dhar 2014). Big Data has been able to solve the problem of the storage and management of the data but data collection process also needed an overhaul. Use of RFID techniques solved this problem and it now finds extensive use in almost every sport for data collection. This involves use of miniature sensors that are attached at var ious places like ball, bat, stumps, players shirts and others. These sensors record the statistics like run, home run, goal, wicket, etc. and send them to the RFID transceiver placed in the statistics room. The data collected in the transceiver is then recorded in the Big Data for future use and references (Hu et al. 2014). In baseball, Pitchf/x innovation from Sportvision has been introduced in every one of the 30 Major League Baseball Stadiums to track pitches amid diversions. These technologies have been extremely useful in different sports and more and more companies developed new technical instruments and developments for enhancing the match experience. Another company named Sportvision has a suite of different advancements for baseball, football and other popular sports. These companies have utilized existing advanced equipments like Google glass and fitness checker along with own inventions for enhancing the sports analytics process (Kim, Trimi and Chung 2014). Adidas has a f ramework called miCoach that works by having players append a wearable gadget to their shirts. Data from the gadget demonstrates the mentor who the best entertainers are and who needs rest. Another organization, SportVU provides six cameras in six corners of a NBA field that are utilized by the statisticians as well as the coaches to gather data on the developments on each player. From this data, the coaches can monitor the progress of the players. Storage System Previously, sports analytics data was stored in written documents. However, paper documents easily got destroyed or worn out and hence, the data could not be stored for a long amount of time. However, with the development of Big Data, this particular problem seems to be solved. After the development of information system, data could be stored in storage devices as well as virtual storage interface. However, the available storage space was not enough for storing data containing sports statistics of the last 100 years (Marr 2015). With the inception of Big Data, there was almost unlimited virtual storage space was made available and this was then utilized by sports statisticians. Not only Big Data provided the huge amount of storage space but also an efficient management system that did not provide any of the errors that would have been done by manual management. Big Data involves collection, use and management of huge amount of data from various sources and origins. With the gradual d evelopment and improvement of the management systems including analytics, everyday, huge amount of data is being created and transferred. Without Big Data, all these would not have been possible as the storage spaces in the physical drives and devices are limited. Big Data provides virtual storage space for almost unlimited amount of data. While physical storage devices like hard disk provides storage space of around 4 terabytes at maximum, Big Data can provide spaces more than hundreds of petabytes in the virtual interface (Rein and Memmert 2016). Hence, it can easily be said that the biggest advantage of Big Data is the unlimited space it provides as well as its capability manage different types of data with high efficiency. All the more particularly, the neighborhood government directions additionally affect on the Big Data administration process and in the end result in imposing of several rules and guidelines on the data usage and management inside Big Data. However, one main i ssue with the Big Data storage is its security. As the entire storage interface is hosted online, it is vulnerable to external attacks like malware infection, mass hacking attack and others. Although several measures have been taken to solve the issues and strengthen the immunity of the interface, this is a persistent problem as the unethical attackers are also upgrading themselves with the development of technology. For major Big Data related applications, for example, Google, Flicker, Facebook, and Walmart, an extensive number of server ranches are sent everywhere throughout the world to guarantee constant administrations and snappy reactions for neighborhood markets. Such self-ruling sources are the arrangements of the specialized outlines, as well as the aftereffects of the enactment and the direction runs in various nations/districts (Ellaway et al. 2014). For instance, Asian markets of Walmart are intrinsically not quite the same as its North American markets regarding occasio nal advancements, top offer things, and client practices. Data in Action Consumer-Centric Product Design Consumer-centric product is a product or a service that is mainly designed based on the requirements of the customer. Moreover, further modifications are also made based on the customer demands rather than just for profitability through design improvement. With the volumes and sorts of data being gathered, created, put away and utilized evolving day by day, it is not astonishing there is no single, acknowledged meaning of "Advanced Analytics" or simply "Big Data" (Mahmood and Takahashi 2015). The sorts and employments of data and investigation vary generally over all segments, and particularly the US Government: what is Big Data to the National Weather Service may not be to the NSA, the SEC or the IRS. In the meantime, any organization trying to fabricate a reasonable way to deal with enable Federal clients to characterize and address rising data and examination needs should first comprehend the scene. The likelihood of supplanting (or if nothing else lessening) vast quantities of ad ministrations contractual workers with bring down cost, robotized devices and procedures can be Big Data's most engaging perspective to a few clients. Despite the kind of test confronted, recall that arrangements must be customized to help the client's particular mission needs. To adequately serve a client requires a temporary worker to comprehend their main goal targets, characterize in detail the related data and investigation openings and difficulties (in a perfect world before the client does), and to know about and access to present and rising Big Data advances and apparatuses (Kim and Park 2015). This developmental movement is particularly debilitating to customary work serious plans of action of some present temporary workers. For occupants with both profound IT capabilities and extensive management skills, this introduces a troublesome choice on whether to grasp or fight improvements that may tear apart their current administrations organizations. It is assumed that the hard est piece of building up a viable Federal Big Data procedure is the hierarchical test. All these factors provide significant challenges to the development of consumer-centric Big Data applications in the organizations. In this chosen field i.e. sports analytics, the consumers are the sports team management as well as the fans who read and discuss the stats. The product i.e. the sports analytics databases are thus created based on the requirements of the consumers. There are several web based companies that have designed different websites where the consumers can check different players and teams statistics. Some of these websites are (soccer), (cricket), (baseball) and others. Recommendation System Recommendation system is a system that recommends a user a certain number of websites and others based on his search results. For instance, if a user types a certain word in YouTube, the in-built recommendation system provides the user with some videos that are most relevant with his searched keyword. The recommendation system works well with the Big Data. It is known that Big Data contains a huge amount of data and as a result, a user searching for a particular piece of data will find it very hard to find it. For instance, let there has been a soccer match between Argentina and Germany. A user missed the match and now wants to know who scored the goals in the match. However, in the database of the website, there will be records of thousands of soccer games played from its inception till now. Hence, the user will almost cannot find the information he needs without the recommendation system. Now, if there is a recommendation system, he can simply type the match name (Argentina vs. Ger many in this case) as well as the date in which the match has been played. First, the recommendation system will search the database and narrow down all the results to only Argentina vs. Germany soccer matches. After that, it will narrow it down to the selected year and then to the specific date. After it finds the statistics of the selected match, it will then return the results to the user. Business Continuity Since almost all of the online business requires a continuous internet connection, power outages and other internet-related disasters like mass hacking, malware attacks and others can significantly affect the business continuity of the organization. Power outages are out of human control and hence, support systems are to be designed in case of these incidents. The main objective of these support systems will be to continuously record any data operations that are going on in the main systems. When power outage occurs, this system will also shut down but the recorded data and information will be saved safely (Millington and Millington 2015). When the power is back, the saved data operations will be restored back in the main system. Again, there are other security challenges that may result in disastrous situations for the online business organization. In order to prevent these challenges that include malware attack, mass hacking and phishing, the organization should implement strong in ternet firewalls that will restrict the flow of data from the main systems. The main objective of these firewalls will be to restrict any random data from entering the system except only authorized data. All these steps must be taken to avoid disasters and maintain online business continuity. Conclusion In this report, the effects of Big Data on Sports Analytics and the related factors are analyzed and discussed. Big Data concerns substantial volume and developing data sets with different, self-sufficient sources. With the quick improvement of systems administration, data collection, and the data management limits, Big Data involves collection, use and management of huge amount of data from various sources and origins. With the gradual development and improvement of the management systems including analytics, everyday, huge amount of data is being created and transferred. Without Big Data, all these would not have been possible as the storage spaces in the physical drives and devices are limited. Big Data provides virtual storage space for almost unlimited amount of data. Hence, it can easily be said that the biggest advantage of Big Data is the unlimited space it provides as well as its capability manage different types of data with high efficiency. However, one main issue with the Big Data storage is its security. As the entire storage interface is hosted online, it is vulnerable to external attacks like malware infection, mass hacking attack and others. Although several measures have been taken to solve the issues and strengthen the immunity of the interface, this is a persistent problem as the unethical attackers are also upgrading themselves with the development of technology. Sports analytics have come a long way from that revolutionary year and is now used by coaches of different sports. Moreover, with the introduction of Big Data, sports analytics find more applicability and practicality in different sports. Previously, sports analytics data was stored in written documents. However, paper documents easily got destroyed or worn out and hence, the data could not be stored for a long amount of time. However, with the development of Big Data, this particular problem seems to be solved. After the development of information system, data could be stored in st orage devices as well as virtual storage interface. Currently, the main threat of the Big Data in sports analytics is internet security. Big Data is vulnerable to external attacks like malware attacks, mass hacking and others. Hence, proper security systems like firewalls must be developed in order to prevent any attacks on sports analytic database. Recommendations Based on the analysis provided, several recommendations can be made, which are as follows. Application Although Big Data is already implemented in Sports Analytics, it is still limited and the data managed is mostly manual within the virtual interface of the Big Data. A new system must be developed for further automating the data entry and management processes. Consumer-Centricity Maintenance of consumer-centricity is essential in most businesses including sports analytics. It is recommended for future developers that they must maintain consumer-centric designs for future sports analytics websites and databases. Security Currently, the main threat of the Big Data in sports analytics is internet security. Big Data is vulnerable to external attacks like malware attacks, mass hacking and others. Hence, proper security systems like firewalls must be developed in order to prevent any attacks on sports analytic database. References Abbasi, A., Sarker, S. and Chiang, R.H., 2016. Big Data Research in Information Systems: Toward an Inclusive Research Agenda.Journal of the Association for Information Systems,17(2). Agarwal, R. and Dhar, V., 2014. Big data, data science, and analytics: The opportunity and challenge for IS research. Baerg, A., 2017. Big data, sport, and the digital divide: theorizing how athletes might respond to big data monitoring.Journal of Sport and Social Issues,41(1), pp.3-20. Cao, M., Chychyla, R. and Stewart, T., 2015. Big Data analytics in financial statement audits.Accounting Horizons,29(2), pp.423-429. Choo, J. and Park, H., 2013. Customizing computational methods for visual analytics with big data.IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications,33(4), pp.22-28. Davenport, T., 2014.Big data at work: dispelling the myths, uncovering the opportunities. harvard Business review Press. Dubey, R. and Gunasekaran, A., 2015. Education and training for successful career in Big Data and Business Analytics.Industrial and Commercial Training,47(4), pp.174-181. Ellaway, R.H., Pusic, M.V., Galbraith, R.M. and Cameron, T., 2014. Developing the role of big data and analytics in health professional education.Medical teacher,36(3), pp.216-222. Hu, H., Wen, Y., Chua, T.S. and Li, X., 2014. Toward scalable systems for big data analytics: A technology tutorial.IEEE access,2, pp.652-687. Kim, G.H., Trimi, S. and Chung, J.H., 2014. Big-data applications in the government sector.Communications of the ACM,57(3), pp.78-85. Kim, N.J. and Park, J.K., 2015, November. Sports analytics risk monitoring based on hana platform: Sports related big data IoT trends by using HANA In-memory platform. InSoC Design Conference (ISOCC), 2015 International(pp. 221-222). IEEE. Macfadyen, L.P., Dawson, S., Pardo, A. and Gasevic, D., 2014. Embracing big data in complex educational systems: The learning analytics imperative and the policy challenge.Research Practice in Assessment,9. Mahmood, K. and Takahashi, H., 2015, October. Cloud based sports analytics using semantic web tools and technologies. InConsumer Electronics (GCCE), 2015 IEEE 4th Global Conference on(pp. 431-433). IEEE. Marr, B., 2015.Big Data: Using SMART big data, analytics and metrics to make better decisions and improve performance. John Wiley Sons. Marr, B., 2016.Big Data in Practice: How 45 Successful Companies Used Big Data Analytics to Deliver Extraordinary Results. John Wiley Sons. Millington, B. and Millington, R., 2015. The Datafication of Everything: Toward a Sociology of Sport and Big Data.Sociology of Sport Journal,32(2), pp.140-160. Rein, R. and Memmert, D., 2016. Big data and tactical analysis in elite soccer: future challenges and opportunities for sports science.SpringerPlus,5(1), p.1410. Schrader, D., Gupta, A., Iyer, L., Schiller, S. and Sharda, R., 2016. Sports Analytics Research Collaborations: Connecting Business Schools with Athletic Departments.
Friday, November 29, 2019
The Comparison Between Learned in Books and Knowledge Gained from Experience Essay Example
The Comparison Between Learned in Books and Knowledge Gained from Experience Essay The comparison between learned in books and knowledge gained from experience The education is the most important thing in our life, without it we can’t solve our problem and the logic thinking. By the way any education in my opinion will be benefit whatever it is depend on the book or our skill, the doctor have to study in the book and be good doctor by the way the barber is not depend in the book he has to looking to the designer off his boss and after time he can to make it without his boss. So We can say that there are some people prefer to learn a profession or experience is through actual practice and the process for this profession, in their minds they think this is better and faster to acquire the skill and experience, others prefer learning in schools and universities and read many books and gain experience of and then apply what they have learned in these schools and universities, So we must now not everything that is learning is contained in book, and also we don’t have completely book can fit our job we have to search in the partial place, but ever they are have big similarity and big different both way have the same target to learn. We will write a custom essay sample on The Comparison Between Learned in Books and Knowledge Gained from Experience specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Comparison Between Learned in Books and Knowledge Gained from Experience specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Comparison Between Learned in Books and Knowledge Gained from Experience specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In similarity, first off all is education and depend in our job, and also want to study , We can find good job after we finish it We can able to make logical thinking, Second it take long time in our life to get to it not anything we can make is easily we have to spend time and work to get good job for example as interior designer, which I learn from the book is very good thing and benefit and this in partial life I executing the work in my project as I learn in our book, because I don’t fill in problem. So Learning from books is important, we apply what we have learned literally in the real world and then develop that we have learned to reach for better results. On the other hand, there is very much different we can’t count it the experience education don’t have limit time and don’t requires to go to same place like university as will the education cases or book need to the studied to be in the time in his class and want to get his book and prepare the lesson, and also have another different the experience education not have to make exam and study days before the exam , on other hand the, book and university study as we had in our university we have to study days and days before the exam. As I say in the topic all education is ways to go to the same target in the general case, the book is very important thing in the human and by the book we can read very much thing for the old culture but this thing not enough to learn, so the person have to development this think to maybe can find way better for the idea in the book. In the
Monday, November 25, 2019
Muet Speaking †Question ; Answer Essay Essays
Muet Speaking – Question ; Answer Essay Essays Muet Speaking – Question ; Answer Essay Essay Muet Speaking – Question ; Answer Essay Essay Try non to handle or believe of MUET as a chilling trial. However. don’t under estimation the readying. clip and attempt required for this trial either. If you have friends or schoolmates who have taken the trial. inquire them about it. You’ll likely get many many different types of replies. â€Å"OMG! It’s tough! †or â€Å"Actually. its non that difficult. †Their experiences may change depending on the sum of readying done every bit good as their background in English. Well. MUET is a trial. So. you have to set some attempt and clip into fixing for it. Many pupils inquire me all the clip. â€Å"How many hours do I have to analyze? †Then. I would inquire in return. â€Å"What’s your mark set mark? Band 6? 5? 4? 3? †If you know that you need Band 3 to prosecute and go on your surveies in Business Management. Marketing. Histories etc. and you’re non really confident about your English proficiency and ability. so. be prepared to work on it. If you know that you need Band 4 or 5 to prosecute your instruction in Law. Pharmacy. Medicine etc. so. be prepared to work really hard. The clip and attempt that you put into fixing for MUET besides ensures that you won’t struggle with English when you are prosecuting your grade or Master’s. Imagine the defeat of fighting with English words. vocabulary etc. It makes analyzing your class boring and disputing. You should be seeking to understand the constructs and thoughts of your class instead than waste clip on looking up about every individual word in your text book. Ok. so one time you’re mentally prepared to work hard on acquiring your mark set mark for MUET. What should you make? Tip # 1 Check out the construction and format of the trial. Get your custodies on theoretical account trial documents or past twelvemonth documents. You can obtain this easy from the bookshop or from your MUET coach. How many papers/components do you hold to take? How many inquiries? What type of inquiries? How much clip do you hold to finish the trial? Tip # 2 Prepare a program of action When do you necessitate to take the trial? When do you necessitate to subject your consequences to your university? You need to make up ones mind and pull up a timeline or agenda. If its July now and MUET is in October/November. inquire yourself. how much clip would you hold to apportion to MUET readying for the following 3 months or 12 hebdomads? 3 times a hebdomad. 2 hours a twenty-four hours? Self-study? Form a survey group? Join a category? I would propose all three. Tip # 3 Practice. pattern. pattern Yes. its merely that simple. However. easier said than done. You need to pull off you clip and motive degree. How severely do you desire this? Think about the effects. If you don’t acquire the set you need. what happens? You truly want to prosecute third instruction or in some instances. alumnus from university. Then. pattern. pattern. pattern. After go toing Sessionss with your MUET coach and survey group. do the followers. Practice Speaking. Get MUET talking inquiries and imitate the trial. Speak to yourself. Feign you are in the trial. Visualize the trial scenario. This is the best manner to forestall traveling clean. terror in the REAL speech production trial session. Practice Reading. Its of import to try theoretical account inquiries. You need to pattern skimming and scanning for replies. You need to cognize that you can complete the 45 inquiries in 90 proceedingss. Practice Listening. When trying the listening trial. DON’T listen to every individual word of the recording. You need to larn the techniques of listening for significance and effect. That takes pattern. If you are fighting to spell words. don’t desperation. merely pattern even more. Practice Writing. Yes. the inquiries that have appeared in past twelvemonth documents will non come out once more. And how likely are you able to foretell the inquiries for authorship. So. what should you make? You need to pattern showing your ideas. positions. sentiment. thoughts in composing on paper. in the most consistent mode and with suited vocabulary. This. takes pattern. Tip # 4 Read. read. read What should you read? Be smart about it. What sort of subjects are you likely to acquire in your trial. Read articles that are relevant to those. Do you cognize about Plastic surgery? Social jobs? Crime rates? Crime bar? ICT updates? Work related emphasis? Not much? Then read about them. Read on-line magazines. newspapers. good quality web logs. articles from English linguistic communication web sites. Salvage them. e-mail to your friends. portion and exchange articles. Tip # 5 Vocabulary. vocabulary. vocabulary Get a good academic workbook and work on it. Academic vocabulary which is required for MUET is different from normal mundane English. I’ve uploaded a vocabulary workbook on my web log. Download the pdf file. acquire it printed and complete it.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Nature and Meditation in Romantic Poetry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Nature and Meditation in Romantic Poetry - Essay Example Thus poetry is the vehicle for the spiritual elevation of humankind. In the Western world, the Romantic Poets express their spiritual feelings through descriptions of nature .Although deeply religious, they see God through nature , unlike their predecessors for whom religion was a stern affair. English Romanticism ,in particular, presented a break with the tradition by its individualism and encouragement of the imagination .The Romantic poets experienced the most sublime through nature. Romanticism emerged in the late eighteenth century as an inevitable reaction against the empirical thinking and stern reasoning that was in vogue earlier. Philosophers like Rousseau(1712-1778)urged that only in nature that mankind could find freedom of spirit. The American Revolution and the French Revolution acted as catalysts for the Romantic Movement .William Wordsworth (1770-1850) and John Keats(1795-1821)were two of the greatest English Romantic poets who found inspiration in nature . In their poetry they use descriptions of nature to raise the mind to mystic heights. William Wordsworth, one of the foremost Romantic poets, brings out the feeling of "passionate meditation" in his famous poem, Tintern Abbey. The poem conveys a feeling of deep silence and meditation attained through connecting with nature. That on a wild secluded scene impress Thoughts of more deep seclusion; and connect The landscape with the quiet of the sky. (6,7,8) (Wordsworth 1798) According to Geoffrey Hartman, for Wordsworth nature is "not something to be worshipped and consumed, but always a guide, leading beyond itself."(Hartman,290)We see this even when he is at his most exuberant, describing daffodils in "I wandered lonely as a cloud" I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. (1-6)(Wordsworth 1803) The poet's heart sings at the eternal spectacle of nature "Lonely as a cloud" suggests the solitude needed for meditation, while,in contrast, "crowd, a host " expresses the feeling of multitudes. .He experiences a feeling akin to meditation which recurs whenever he is "in a pensive mood" , when the multitude of daffodils "flash upon the inward eye" with the ensuing "Bliss of solitude". "Tintern Abbey" is the outstanding work of Wordsworth published in 1798,and it shows how he developed a vivid and personal approach which connects meditation to sensation in a unique way. In this poem, the brilliant lyric is transcendental; the theme is exalted by the underlying love for his sister. The emotions compliment the visual scene, the memories enrich the moral ideas. Here he feels the presence which encourages him to meditate on the oneness of all things in nature. He rhapsodizes, And I have felt A presence that disturbs me with the joy Of elevated thoughts; a sense sublime Of something far more deeply interfused, Whose dwelling is the light of setting suns, And the round ocean and the living air, And the blue sky, and in the mind of man; A motion and a spirit that impels All thinking things, all objects of all thought, And rolls through all things.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The weakness of using Fackbook and Twitter for consumer engagement Essay
The weakness of using Fackbook and Twitter for consumer engagement with the firm - Essay Example The other extra duties of this individual or individuals include monitoring as well as responding to questions and comments robbing marketing department off necessary hands on personnel in keeping the company afloat (Hu, 2011). This is especially a problem for small companies or start-ups with limited resources. In this sense, social media presents a weakness in increasing a firm’s running overheads without necessary guarantee for increased revenue. Facebook and Twitter may pose a weakness in a firm’s engagement with its customers due to having a wrong strategy for online branding (Kuzgun, 2013). This could put the firm at a viral social disadvantage and could even end up damaging the firm’s reputation. Few people will most probably notice mistakes made offline, but when the mistakes regarding a firm’s portrayal are made online, they are immediately noted by many and spread over the net. This is aggravated by the fact that bad news or negativity on Facebook and Twitter trends faster than good news for gossip is considered juicy while normal news is boring. The online interactive media like any other Information Technology field is highly prone to threats of hacking or malicious compromise of content (Thomases, 2010). The hackers may be out to malign the firm and jeopardize its online marketing efforts through posting false tweets. There has been evidence and news of hackings into Facebook and Twitter accounts of established and renowned companies sending the message across the business world that really no firm is invisible. This loophole mat cost the firm its reputation negating the intentions to use social media in the first place. Social marketing is also seen as somewhat intrusive. Some ardent members on Facebook and Twitter feel that advertisement placement through collection of member information from these sites is intruding on their privacy and that confidentiality is compromised. This causes marketing efforts to be met
Monday, November 18, 2019
Macro2B Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Macro2B - Essay Example Workers who spend time looking for employment are engaged in job search. This type of unemployment is the case of frictional employment, which is due to the time workers spend in job search. This exists even when the number of people seeking jobs is equal to the number of jobs being offered, that is it does not mean that there is a surplus of labor. However, unemployment when there are more people seeking jobs in a labor market than there are jobs available at the current wage is called as structural unemployment. Both frictional and structural unemployment is inevitable in any economy. Thus, a certain amount of unemployment is normal, which is called as the natural rate of unemployment. The natural rate of unemployment is the unemployment rate that arises from the effects of frictional plus structural unemployment. Actual unemployment rate fluctuates around the natural rate of unemployment. The natural rate of unemployment is calculated as: 4. Perhaps tongue-in-cheek, some economists occasionally distinguish between â€Å"good†inflation and â€Å"bad†inflation. Speculate as to why these economists might see some inflations as superior to others. Inflation is the sign that an economy is growing or expanding. The lack of inflation is an indicator that the economy is weakening. A small inflation is just as bad as high inflation. Thus, it is not easy to label inflation as good or bad, and it depend on overall economy and individual personal thinking. When an economy grows or expands (boom) the price level of goods and services rises. This effectively increases the inflation. Since, economy is growing people have more money to purchase and therefore, the purchasing power of individual increases comparatively. This type of inflation is generally referred as â€Å"good†inflation. If an economy continue to grows, there comes to a point (peak), when the inflation is too high and government needs to do something to lower
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Factors that Influence Police Discretion
Factors that Influence Police Discretion 1) What is discretion? Name and describe the factors that may influence an individual officers discretion in making decisions involving a criminal suspect. (6 pts) Discretion is the exercise of choice by law enforcement officers in the decision to investigate or apprehend the disposition of suspects, the carrying out of official duties, and the application of sanctions. The cops have the power to decide whether to act depending on the judgment they feel they must make. In some situations certain people are not handled as strictly as others (an example would be if someone was to get pulled over for speeding and they get a ticket for something else). Studies of police discretion have found that a number of factors influence the discretionary decisions of the individual officers: 1. The Background of the officers Law enforcement officers bring to the job all their previous life experiences. Family values such as socialization through the family as well as attitudes that influence the decision of the officer. If an officer has learned prejudice against certain ethnic groups for example, this is likely to influence the decision an officer will make. 2. Characteristics of the suspect Demeanor, style of dress and grooming may influence police discretion. Poorly groomed suspects can expect less respectful treatment. Some officers treat men and woman differently. Very rarely will an officer arrest a woman. Another characteristic would be the personal style of the individual or group. Examples would be bikers attire or people with outlandish haircuts are more likely to be arrested than someone with a professional haircut. 3. Department Policy- This is not entirely subject to control by official policy, but can influence it. If a department has targeted certain kinds of offenses or if supervisors adhere to strict enforcement guidelines and closely monitor dispatches and other communications, the discretionary release of suspects will be quite rare. 4. Community Interest- Public attitudes toward certain crimes will increase the likelihood of arrest for suspected offenders. Contemporary attitudes toward crimes involving children- including sex abuse, sale of drugs to minors, domestic violence involving children and child pornography- have all lead to increased and strict enforcement of laws. Once the community has voiced its concern over the problem, the police respond with a series of highly effective arrests. The departments that require a police officer to live in the area that he/she patrols make them more aware of the effects of crime on the community and they respond better than a person who doesnt live in their district. 5. Pressure from Victims- When victims refuse to file a complaint are usually associated with certain crimes such as spousal abuse. When victims refuse to cooperate with the police, there is often little that can be done. On the other hand, some victims are local in insisting in the victimization and can easily be dealt with. Victim-assistance groups have sought to keep pressure on police departments and individual instigators to ensure the arrest and prosecution of suspects. 6. Disagreement with the law- Some laws lack an unpopular consensus. Some of the laws that deal with victimless offenses are gambling, homosexuality, lesbianism, prostitution and drug use. Some laws are not even in certain jurisdictions. Unpopular laws are not likely to bring much attention from law enforcement officers. If an arrest were to occur, it could be because an officer digs deeper into his/her investigation and reveals something more serious about the crime. 2) Name and describe the four historical eras of policing as discussed in the book. (4 pts) The four historical eras (epochs), are distinguishable by the relative dominance of a particular approach to police operations. They are the political era, reform era, the community policing era, and the homeland security era. 1. Political Era The first period, the political era, was characterized by close ties between police and public officials. It began in 1840 and ended around 1930s. Throughout the period, American police agencies tended to serve the interest of powerful politicians first, and providing public-order services almost as an afterthought. 2. Reform Era- The second period, the reform ear, began in the 1930s and lasted until the 1970s. It was characterized by pride in professional crime fighting. Police departments focused more on solving traditional crimes, such as murder, rape, burglary, and focusing on capturing offenders. 3. The Community Policing Era The third period, and the one that characterizes much of policing in America today, is the community policing era. This era started in the 1970s and is still present today. This was an approach to policing that stresses the service role of police officers and envisions a partnership between police agencies and their communities. Agencies focused on the service role of police officers. 4. Policing to Secure the Homeland Era The fourth period, policing to secure the homeland era, is quite new and continues to evolve. This era grew with national concerns with terrorism prevention born of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. In this era agencies focused on causes of crime outside of the immediate community (country). 3) What are the dangers of police work? What can be done to reduce those dangers? (5 pts) Some dangers of police work include: violence in the line of duty, risk of disease and infected evidence, and stress and fatigue among police officers. 1. Violence in the line of duty In 2007, 188 American law enforcement officers were killed in the line of duty. These officers were kind-hearted, and laid back, and well liked in the community. 2. Risk of disease and infected evidence -Routine criminal and accident investigations hold the potential for infection through transmission of evidence. 3. Stress and fatigue among police officers Traumatic events, like hurricanes, terrorist attacks, and violent confrontations are instantly stressful. These can affect police officers long term. Diet and exercise can decrease stress and fatigue, along with getting more sleep and taking care of their body. 4) What ethnic and gender differences characterize policing today? What is the social significance of this diversity? (5 pts) Today many departments have dramatically increased their complement of officers from unrepresented groups. There are not as many African American officers or other ethnic officers compared to white (Caucasian) officers in the field. Although ethnic minorities are now employed in policing in significant numbers, women are still significantly underrepresented. The 2001 Status of woman in policing survey conducted that woman fill only 12.7% of all sworn law enforcement positions nationwide The social significance of this diversity is that woman and African Americans and other ethnic groups will actually benefit the policing departments making them better, well-rounded officers, it would help the discrimination of particular ethnic or sexual groups. 5) Be able to explain the ruling of each of the following cases and what area of policing the ruling affected (ex: search and seizure, arrest, interrogation, etc) (10 pts) A) Mapp v. Ohio (1961) b) Aguilar v. TX (1964) c) Escobedo v. IL (1964) d) Miranda v. AZ (1966) e) Harris v. US (1968) f) Weeks v. US (1914) g) US v. Leon (1984) h) US v. Borchardt (1987) i) Kyllo v. US (2001) j) US v. Grubbs (2006) A. Mapp V. Ohio (1961) This case was decided to change the face of American law enforcement forever, made the exclusionary rule applicable to criminal prosecutions at the same level beginning with the now- famous Mapp case; the Warren Court charted a course that would guarantee nationwide recognition of individual rights as it understood them, by agencies at all levels of the criminal justice system. (The area of policing the ruling affected: Search and Seizure) B. Aguilar V. TX (1964) -The case of paid informants. The case of Aguilar v. Texas clarified the use of informants and established a two-pronged test. The US court ruled that informant information could establish probable cause if both of the following criteria are met. 1. The source of the informants information is made clear, and 2. The police officer has a reasonable belief that the informant is reliable. The two-pronged test was intended to prevent the issuance of warrants on the basis of false or fabricated info. (Schmallenger, Frank, 2010). (The area of policing the ruling affected: Search and Seizure) C. Escobedo v. IL (1964) -In the case of Escobedo vs. Illinois, the right to have legal counsel present during police interrogation was recognized. (The area of policing the ruling affected: Interrogation) D. Miranda v AZ (1966) -This case established the well-known Miranda Warnings. In this case involving Enesto Miranda, who was arrested in Phoenix, Arizona, and was accused of having kidnapped and raped a woman. (The area of policing the ruling affected: Interrogation) E. Harris v US (1968) Police officers have the opportunity to begin investigations or to confiscate evidence, without a warrant based on what they find in plain-view and open to public inspection. The plan-view doctrine was succinctly stated in the US Supreme court case of Harris v. US. (The area of policing the ruling affected: Search and Seizure) F. Weeks v US (1914) Freemont Weeks was suspected of using US mail to sell lottery tickets, which is a federal crime. Weeks was arrested and feral agents went into his home to conduct a search. They had no search warrant. They confiscated many items for evidence as well as the suspects personal possessions, including clothes, books, papers, and even candy. (The area of policing the ruling affected: Search and Seizure) G. US v Leon (1984) In the 1984 case of US v Leon, the court recognized what has come to be called the good-faith exception to the exclusionary rule. (The area of policing the ruling affected: Search and Seizure) H. US v Borchardt (1987) The case of Us v. Borchardt, decided by the 5th circuit court of Appeals, held that Ira Eugene Borchardt could be prosecuted for heroin uncovered during medical treatment, even though the defendant had objected to the treatment. Because of this case guidelines for conducting emergency warrantless searches of individuals came into effect, and in order to use evidence against an offender in a warrantless search certain criteria has to be met. (The area of policing the ruling affected: Arrest) I. Kyllo v Us (2001) This case set the standard on how technology can be used to the police based on the results of a warrantless search conducted by officers using a thermal-imaging device to detect if his housing was giving off more heat than the other houses, investigators applied for a search warrant for Kyllos home. (The area of policing the ruling affected: Arrest) J. US v Grubbs (2006) -The constitutionality of Anticipatory warrants was affirmed in 2006, in the US Supreme court Case of US v. Grubbs.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Evelina And The Subordination Of Women Essay -- essays research papers
Woman as a Subordinate Throughout history, women have been treated as a subordinate. There have been different standards for education, at women’s disadvantage, different social standards, different responsibilities for men and women, different expectations, different standards for â€Å"goodness†, different criteria for virtuousness. We see examples of these injustices throughout the text of Evelina as well as in the excerpts in the course packet. Eighteenth-century English jurist Sir William Blackstone declared in a magisterial passage, â€Å"By marriage, the very being or legal existence of a woman is suspended, or at least it is incorporated or consolidated into that of the husband, under whose wing, protection, and cover she performs everything, and she is therefore called in our law a femme-covert†(The Nineteenth Century Intro. Pg. 171). It was not until 1848, in the married woman’s property act of New York that women gained some rights regarding material possessions. Education (differences in what men and women are taught) A â€Å"liberal education†as described in Defoe’s Essay on Projects, 1697, consisted mainly of embroidery, modeling in wax, painting on glass, and musical accomplishments, although some girls’ schools did put on plays and teach cooking skills. Most girls were trained for domestic service at the charity schools for women, and there was no form of formal higher education, such as college, available for women. Oxford, Harvard, Cambridge, Yale and Princeton were all solely men’s institutions. Also, while women were taught mainly the native tongue and perhaps French, men had more extensive opportunities to learn other such Roman and Greek languages. (An essay in Defense of the Female Sex, 1696) Also, if a woman did obtain any extensive knowledge other than the normal trades taught at school, she was urged to keep quiet about it lest men be jealous of her intelligence. This is evident in Evelina on page 3 61 where Mrs. Selwyn is criticized for being an intelligent and logical woman in a time where women were supposed to be quieter and not engage in a match of wits with someone, especially a man, as we see Mrs. Selwyn challenging the intelligence of Mr. Lovel. These are all reasons why women authors during this time chose a pseudonym when publishing their books for fear that they would be ridiculed and their work not accepted for the mere fact... ... not know how to handle this situation. p. 384 Where Evelina is pleading with her father to see her and she here is the picture of what a good mannered woman should be- humble and gracious. Image as applies to association with people of questionable character: Although they are her family, Evelina is completely embarrassed to be seen with the Branghtons and Madame Duval because they are such loud, rude, unrefined characters. They are not of the same social standing as her and they know even less than Evelina how to behave in social situations with grace and dignity. They are lower-class people and this is because they are of the working class. Evelina is always in the company of people who come from â€Å"old money†and do not work for a salary. Pg. 233 where Evelina is separated from her party at the fireworks event and asks two ladies to protect her and they turn out to be prostitutes and Lord Orville sees her with these women and Evelina is completely embarrassed at her predicament because it makes her look bad. Evelina’s good reputation was at stake when she was in public with the Branghtons, with Madame Duval, in the alley with Clement, and on the arm s of those two prostitutes. Evelina And The Subordination Of Women Essay -- essays research papers Woman as a Subordinate Throughout history, women have been treated as a subordinate. There have been different standards for education, at women’s disadvantage, different social standards, different responsibilities for men and women, different expectations, different standards for â€Å"goodness†, different criteria for virtuousness. We see examples of these injustices throughout the text of Evelina as well as in the excerpts in the course packet. Eighteenth-century English jurist Sir William Blackstone declared in a magisterial passage, â€Å"By marriage, the very being or legal existence of a woman is suspended, or at least it is incorporated or consolidated into that of the husband, under whose wing, protection, and cover she performs everything, and she is therefore called in our law a femme-covert†(The Nineteenth Century Intro. Pg. 171). It was not until 1848, in the married woman’s property act of New York that women gained some rights regarding material possessions. Education (differences in what men and women are taught) A â€Å"liberal education†as described in Defoe’s Essay on Projects, 1697, consisted mainly of embroidery, modeling in wax, painting on glass, and musical accomplishments, although some girls’ schools did put on plays and teach cooking skills. Most girls were trained for domestic service at the charity schools for women, and there was no form of formal higher education, such as college, available for women. Oxford, Harvard, Cambridge, Yale and Princeton were all solely men’s institutions. Also, while women were taught mainly the native tongue and perhaps French, men had more extensive opportunities to learn other such Roman and Greek languages. (An essay in Defense of the Female Sex, 1696) Also, if a woman did obtain any extensive knowledge other than the normal trades taught at school, she was urged to keep quiet about it lest men be jealous of her intelligence. This is evident in Evelina on page 3 61 where Mrs. Selwyn is criticized for being an intelligent and logical woman in a time where women were supposed to be quieter and not engage in a match of wits with someone, especially a man, as we see Mrs. Selwyn challenging the intelligence of Mr. Lovel. These are all reasons why women authors during this time chose a pseudonym when publishing their books for fear that they would be ridiculed and their work not accepted for the mere fact... ... not know how to handle this situation. p. 384 Where Evelina is pleading with her father to see her and she here is the picture of what a good mannered woman should be- humble and gracious. Image as applies to association with people of questionable character: Although they are her family, Evelina is completely embarrassed to be seen with the Branghtons and Madame Duval because they are such loud, rude, unrefined characters. They are not of the same social standing as her and they know even less than Evelina how to behave in social situations with grace and dignity. They are lower-class people and this is because they are of the working class. Evelina is always in the company of people who come from â€Å"old money†and do not work for a salary. Pg. 233 where Evelina is separated from her party at the fireworks event and asks two ladies to protect her and they turn out to be prostitutes and Lord Orville sees her with these women and Evelina is completely embarrassed at her predicament because it makes her look bad. Evelina’s good reputation was at stake when she was in public with the Branghtons, with Madame Duval, in the alley with Clement, and on the arm s of those two prostitutes.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Agricultural Science Essay
Materials: †¢ Graduated cylinder †¢ 2 marbles †¢ Liquids to test such as water, corn syrup, canola oil, motor oil †¢ Masking tape †¢ 1 cm ruler †¢ Stopwatch that is accurate to 0.1 or 0.01 seconds SAFETY NOTE: See Texas Science Safety Manual for lab and investigation guidelines: Engagement: Place a wooden ramp on a stack of books. Challenge students to predict which of three liquids (syrup, water, and motor oil) will reach the bottom of the ramp first. Use one drop of each liquid. Have students write their predictions and observations in their science journals. Ask student to identify which property of matter is best represented by this demonstration. Explore: 1. Fill a graduated cylinder with one of the liquids (water, corn syrup, canola oil or motor oil), up to about 5 cm from the top. 2. Mark with tape a convenient starting point about 2 cm below the surface of the liquid (which will allow the sphere to reach terminal velocity before you begin making measurements). You can use either the top or the bottom of the tape, but use the same points for each measurement you make when you drop the spheres. 3. Mark an ending point about 5 cm from the bottom. 4. Measure the distance between the starting and ending points, and enter the answer in the data table as â€Å"Fall distance.†5. Drop the sphere into the liquid and start measuring time when the sphere reaches the first masking tape line. Stop measuring time when the sphere passes the second piece of tape. Repeat the time measurements for a total of 5 trials. 6. Clean the graduated cylinder and repeat procedure with other liquids. 7. Complete the data table by averaging the times for each substance. Use this time when calculating the speed of the sphere.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on My Folks Don’t Want Me To Talk About Slavery
Perhaps Sarah Debro best explained many people’s views on slavery when she said, â€Å"My folks don’t want me to talk about slavery. They’s shame niggers ever was slaves.†Many people today would rather overlook this period in the history of the United States. Most see it as the past, and feel since they aren’t the ones to blame for the enslavement of these people during that time, its bears no importance to them. However it bears a great deal of importance to every single American. This period in history, along with every other period, helped form the United States into the country it is today. For one to truly understand this period in history, one must not only look to secondary sources of information that are usually provided to students in school, such as textbooks and lectures. One must also look to primary sources of information, such as direct accounts, historical documents, and personal records. Secondary sources can give basic facts and a general idea of what happened. Primary sources can give specific facts, ideas, and even the feelings of those who lived during the period. Through reading people’s actual accounts of what happened at a certain time in history, rather than an account from a person that wasn’t there, it helps to enhance one’s understanding of events. Primary sources can introduce a point of view that perhaps the reader never thought of. They add to the basic information historians provide through secondary sources. A secondary source gives basic facts and general ideas. It can give the reader a basic idea of slavery and the conditions, but cannot give the reader a clear idea of the experience of slavery. It can introduce facts, statistics and important dates. Secondary sources can also give the reader important information that a primary source might not supply. For example, in Out of Many, Faragher states the slave population was estimated at 700,000 in 1790, and grew to 4 ... Free Essays on My Folks Don’t Want Me To Talk About Slavery Free Essays on My Folks Don’t Want Me To Talk About Slavery Perhaps Sarah Debro best explained many people’s views on slavery when she said, â€Å"My folks don’t want me to talk about slavery. They’s shame niggers ever was slaves.†Many people today would rather overlook this period in the history of the United States. Most see it as the past, and feel since they aren’t the ones to blame for the enslavement of these people during that time, its bears no importance to them. However it bears a great deal of importance to every single American. This period in history, along with every other period, helped form the United States into the country it is today. For one to truly understand this period in history, one must not only look to secondary sources of information that are usually provided to students in school, such as textbooks and lectures. One must also look to primary sources of information, such as direct accounts, historical documents, and personal records. Secondary sources can give basic facts and a general idea of what happened. Primary sources can give specific facts, ideas, and even the feelings of those who lived during the period. Through reading people’s actual accounts of what happened at a certain time in history, rather than an account from a person that wasn’t there, it helps to enhance one’s understanding of events. Primary sources can introduce a point of view that perhaps the reader never thought of. They add to the basic information historians provide through secondary sources. A secondary source gives basic facts and general ideas. It can give the reader a basic idea of slavery and the conditions, but cannot give the reader a clear idea of the experience of slavery. It can introduce facts, statistics and important dates. Secondary sources can also give the reader important information that a primary source might not supply. For example, in Out of Many, Faragher states the slave population was estimated at 700,000 in 1790, and grew to 4 ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Battle Ship Potemkin Essays - Catherine The Great, Russian Nobility
Battle Ship Potemkin Essays - Catherine The Great, Russian Nobility Battle Ship Potemkin Battleship Potemkin The silent film Battleship Potemkin started off on a high, the sailors refusing to eat the meat and soup they were served because it was covered with maggots, for some reasoned really captured my attention. The setting was on a large ship that showed us many areas, so it was not focused on one area, they showed the galley where the sailors eat, and they showed the sleeping quarters and the main deck. The also went off land which added a special touch to the film for there was actual footage of a country. When the oppression began it was strange, for it went from the sailors who didnt eat, getting there soup stolen to having towns people getting killed babies falling down stairs and solders shooting everything in there paths. It was interesting to see the towns people walk by the coffin of the dead sailor and pay their respects to a person they do not know. The casting was well done as said in the notes, some of the actors were picked to look the part but a lot were just regular sailors and that added a special touch to it, you saw strong body instead of little scrawny bodies. It was nice to see tricks being done, meaning stunts. I enjoyed seeing the sailors jump off the ship to go rescue the other sailor it added a special touch. I must say that he movie was a little strange but in general I would recommend it for it technique, different settings and actors.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Entrepreneurial Processes and the Social Construction of Opportunity Essay
Entrepreneurial Processes and the Social Construction of Opportunity - Essay Example The work is able to help with sending messages about social trends, such as the environment, or helps individuals to improve quality of life. Combining creative programs with sending specific message from commission then provides a different platform to send messages and to create responses within the community (Impact Arts, 2011). Understanding the successes and potential of this particular group and evaluating the ideologies of becoming a successful entrepreneur within this platform works as a main objective in establishing continuous growth within the community. Characteristics of an Entrepreneur The characteristics of being an entrepreneur are based on individual attributes that reflect in the corporation that is created. The qualities of an entrepreneur are inclusive of innovation, leadership, vision and the ability to focus with the necessary results for the idea which is being created. This is combined with the need to tap into the needs of the day while focusing on trends and the ability to find different objectives which are able to reach the external environment. The different values which are required for entrepreneurs are then combined with creating role models that are able to motivate individuals within the community as well as provide assistance with others who are working with the business and require assistance with the different functions required (Bosma et al, 2011). When looking at Impact Arts, it can be noted that the main attributes of the company are helping to drive forward the ideologies of what is needed. This begins with the individuals who began the company. The vision and the ability to piece this together for specific needs are easily noted, specifically because of the innovation which is a part of the company. This is combined with the foundation of the company, specifically with the values and principles that drive forward the company. This establishment is followed by the ability for the main board members and the team members t o work together to create the main focuses for growth within the corporation. Combining this with innovation that is required through the artists becomes the most important aspect of the company while creating a different approach to the projects. The ability for Impact Arts to continue to move forward is reliant on the entrepreneurial basis that includes the vision, leadership and continuous implementation of projects for the community. The concepts of being an entrepreneur and the processes which are associated with this are furthered with the understanding of total innovation management. The characteristics of entrepreneurs are divided by those who have leadership and specific skills to others that have a sense of innovation that follows with specific trends. Total innovation management in entrepreneurs; however, helps to set apart individuals to different needs within the corporation. This is combined with the ideology of internal entrepreneurship, which continues to drive forwa rd the vision and management within the corporation. The idea of having entrepreneurial components then becomes based on combining the start to a company to continuing to offer innovation and growth within the corporation for different projects and maintenance of the company (Qingrui, 2005). For Impact Art, this is noted through the longer time which it has existed. The ability to have artists use their complete creativity also reflects the innovation manage
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Econ Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Econ - Essay Example However, this policy has some disadvantages worth mentioning. For instance, it can cause a more volatile inflation. It can also create an opposite force in the economy when the Federal Reserve wants to do a monetary policy. Moreover, it can potentially widen the national’s budget deficit. Hence, the proposal on having an automatic trigger for discretionary fiscal policy may not be necessary, since the cons outweigh the pros. To have a better understanding on how an automatic trigger of discretionary fiscal policy can affect the economy, some changes in the basic IS-MP model must be made. At present, since there is going to be an automatic increase in government purchase and decrease in taxes whenever output decreases, government purchase, denoted as G, will be made into a negative function of output and taxes, denoted as T, which is a positive function of output. Hence, if there is a decrease in output that is caused by any shock, then government purchase will increase and the tax will decrease immediately. Thus, this modification can be incorporated into the Keynesian cross diagram. Now, the expenditure function will be: E = C(Y-T(Y))+G(Y)+I(r) This change will affect the shape of the expenditure curve in the Keynesian cross diagram. The expenditure curve becomes flatter as output becomes less responsive. By virtue of this new expenditure function, the new IS curve can also be derived by simply looking at the relationship between the level output and the real interest rate. As a result, the new IS curve will be: IS = C(Y-T(Y))+G(Y)+I(r) Following this equation, the IS curve will be steeper because now, the change in output is less responsive. This change in the IS curve will affect how the economy will behave in the presence of an exogenous shock. By having this new modification for the basic IS-MP model, the AD-IA diagram can also be derived, where the new AD curve is steeper compared to the initial one [Figure 1]. Figure 1. Keynesian Cross, IS-MP, and AD-IA Diagrams with an Automatic Trigger for Fiscal Stimulus. By having the newly modified IS curve, output is going to be more stable if there is an IS or MP shock. This can be demonstrated clearly with some examples. For instance, in Figure 2, it can be assumed that the economy is at the potential output and there is a negative IS shock, such as a decrease in consumer confidence. As a result, IS curve will shift leftward and output will fall, forming a negative output gap in the economy. However, since the new IS curve is steeper, the decrease in output is not as large as when there is no automatic trigger for discretionary fiscal stimulus
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Gap Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Gap Analysis - Essay Example Today, California program has led to an improved patients health care needs. There has been complaining of burn out effects experienced by nurses both locally and internationally. With increasing health care demands, the number of nurses employed has been constantly undesirable. The impact is a reduction in standards of health care advanced to the patients, and the nurse-patient contact has significantly reduced. According to 2010 study by University of Pennsylvania, 29% of the nurses interviewed in California complained of excessive work and burned out effect (Levin 2013). In addition, 34% in New Jersey and 36% in Pennsylvania highlighted lack of minimum staff requirement as a great hindrance to quality health care (Levin 2013). High number of staff employed translates to quality of care given to patients. Where there are few nurses, there are a high number of complication of diseases and sadly, deaths. A comparative analysis of the two states indicated that there were 13.9% fewer surgical deaths in California than of New Jersey. Besides, according to the 2007 Medical Care Report, it proved that an increase of one Registered Nurse (RN) per patient translated to 24% reduction in time taken by the patient in the intensive care unit. Besides, there was a 31% reduction of time take in the surgical unit (Levin 2013). Basing on the consistency of the information, it is, therefore, important to enforce nurse-patient ratio. Evidence-Based Practice is consistent on the importance of having one nurse to one patient in intensive care unit while one nurse for six patients is desirable in surgical cases. The nursing staff ratio is critical in ensuring timely and appropriate nursing care is given to the patients. Levin (2013) states that the Nurse-patient ratio has been the subject of discussion in the health care for a few decades. As primary health care givers, their role is holistic, this is an evolutionary approach in responding to the
Monday, October 28, 2019
Oil and Non-Oil Economy of the UAE Essay Example for Free
Oil and Non-Oil Economy of the UAE Essay The general dichotomization of the economy of the United Arab Emirates is into the oil and non-oil sectors. While the aggregate output remains dependent on oil production, the United Arab Emirates is focusing on the development of its non-oil sector as part of its diversification plan. However, its ability to develop fully its non-oil sector depends on the performance of its oil sector. One consideration is the relative contribution of the oil and non-oil sectors to the economy. The other consideration is the ability to the oil-sector to support the diversification plan in the non-oil sector. Abed and Hellyer (2001) explained that in 1998 the production of crude oil accounted for less than a quarter or 22 percent of gross domestic product. However, even if the contribution of crude oil production to aggregate output is less than a quarter, the impact of the sector on the economy is much bigger. Oil exports contributed 37 percent of earnings in foreign exchange and 60 percent of public sector revenue. The oil sector contributes to the aggregate economy in four fronts, which are business investment, household income and consumption, public spending, and net exports. This substantiates the claim that the oil sector comprises the backbone of the UAE economy. Further growth occurred in the oil sector in 2006 with the Ministry of Information and Culture (2006) reporting that the oil and gas sector contributed 28 percent to aggregate output. Concurrently, there is also growth in the non-oil sector, particularly in manufacturing and financial sectors. The UAE Federal Government (2008) further reported that oil and gas production experienced further growth by contributing one third to gross domestic product. This is primarily due to programs intending to optimize oil and gas production in the different emirates. At the same time, there is also solid growth in the non-oil sector. In the next years, the contribution of the oil sector should stabilize at one third of the economy and the non-oil sector becoming a stronger contributor to economic growth. This would allow the UAE to maximize returns from the oil and gas sector to boost growth in the non-oil sector. UAE Economic Developments to Achieve Diversification The United Arab Emirates is already on its way towards economic diversification. Although, the oil and gas sector remains as an important sector, the UAE has achieved developments in the non-oil sector. There are areas of economic developments that the UAE has to focus on to achieve diversification. Dunning (2005) identified the optimization of resource base as a means of achieving diversification. The UAE has to hone the potential of its key resources to establish different industries. The country has already done this by continuously developing its oil and gas sector. However, it also needs to optimize the resource base for the non-oil sector such as the development of land through urban planning or the urbanization of peripheral lands to provide venues for manufacturing and services sectors or the maintenance of natural resources for tourism. Another economic development needed to support diversification encompasses structural changes. According to Shihab (2006), the economic structure needs to support the needs of the non-oil sector. One way of achieving this is influencing employment patterns to develop labor force for the non-oil sector. This means investing in human services such as education and health to ensure labor productivity. Muysken and Nour (2006) stressed on the deficiencies in the educational system and low level of skills of the labor force as areas for improvement if the UAE wants to succeed in diversifying its economy. Another way is the establishment of different industries to broaden the economic base and create employment. A third economic development is integration of infrastructure and social structures to support diversification. DeNicola (2005) explained that infrastructure developments are necessary to attract investments and create employment opportunities for non-oil industries. Shihab (2006) explained that social factors such as the development of a culture of consumerism and calm co-existence among local minorities and expatriates support growth in the non-oil sector. Justification for Diversifying the UAE Economy Imbs and Wacziarg (2003) explained that the overall justification for economic diversification is sustainable growth by spreading economic risk across different industries. Economies reliant on a single sector such as the reliance of the member countries of the Gulf Cooperating Council on the oil sector also face high risks in the long-term because oil is a non-renewable resource (Fasano Iqbal 2003). There are also specific reasons for the goal of the UAE for diversifying its economy. One is avoidance of the effect of the oil curse theory, which explains that dependence on oil has long-term negative effects on the economy. Oil exporting countries gain revenue by relying on price fluctuations in the global market alone, which does not require investments or efficiency that in turn precludes long-term development of economic capabilities or competencies. Revenue generated from oil is sufficient to support welfare services, placing focus on allocation instead of production. (HSBC Middle East 2003; DeNicola 2005) Another justification is the maximization of revenue generation through resource development. Diversification would enable an oil dependent economy such as the UAE to gain revenue from its other resources. Sole reliance on oil limits the revenue generating potential of the economy and hampers economic efficiency by idling resources. (Shihab 2006) Another related reason is resolving revenue volatility. Dependence on oil involves the downside of volatility in the long-term because oil is non-renewable, which means oil reserves will eventually run out in the future. Oil dependent countries need to develop other sources of revenue to ensure continuity of revenue generation even after oil reserves have dwindled. (Gylfason 2004) Still another justification is human development by creating employment opportunities for the young population. The UAE has a predominantly young population, which means a pool of intellectual and skill resource able to support the development of non-oil industries. Diversification enables the economy to develop its human resources to increase quality of life and sustain productivity. (HSBC Middle East, 2003; Muysken Nour 2006) Non-Oil Sector in Economic Diversification for Sustainable Economic Development The Ministry of Information and Culture (2006) explained that the non-oil sector contributed 72 percent of the GDP of the UAE. This reflects the potential of developing the non-oil sector to achieve economic diversification and ensure sustainable economic development. The non-oil sector comprises goods manufacturing and services, with the former contributing 57. 9 percent and the latter contributing 42. 1 percent to GDP from the non-oil sector. Industries under goods manufacturing are agriculture, livestock and fisheries, mining, manufacturing, construction, and electricity, gas and water. Industries under services include restaurants and hotels, transportation, storage and communication, real estate and business, and social and private services. Diversification is already apparent in these various industries and there is still wide room for the development of these industries and the establishment of new industries. Hejmadi (2004) explained that development of the economic free zones were crucial to the development of different industries in goods manufacturing and services. These zones provided a venue and incentives for the flow of both domestic and foreign investments into diverse industries to create employment opportunities and contribute to the growth in aggregate output. Apart from the continuous development of these industries, a potential industry for diversification in the non-oil sector is tourism. Sharpley (2002) explained that tourism is becoming a ubiquitous means of achieving economic diversification for many countries seeking to secure long-term economic growth. Tourism fits the resource approach to sustainable growth since the UAE has many tourism destinations to attract tourists and its cultural openness also comprise an impetus for foreign tourists. Blanke and Mia (2006) reported that travel and tourism already exist as an industry in the UAE and contributing 1. 1 percent to GDP. There is wide potential for development. However, there are challenges to tourism development requiring investments in destination development and promotions (Sharpley, 2002; Henderson 2006) References Abed, I. Hellyer, P. (Eds. ), 2001. United Arab Emirates: a new perspective. London: Trident Press Ltd. Blanke, J. Mia, I. , 2006. Chapter 22 assessing travel tourism competitiveness in the Arab world. [Online] Available at: http://www. weforum. org/pdf/Global_Competitiveness_Reports/Reports/chapters/2_2. pdf [Accessed 25 January 2009] DeNicola, C. , 2005. Dubai’s political and economic development: an oasis in the desert?. Williamstown, MA: Williams College. Dunning, T. , 2005. Resource dependence, economic performance, and political stability. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 49(4), pp. 451-482. Fasano, U. Iqbal, Z. , 2003. GCC countries from oil dependence to diversification. Washington, DC: International Monetary Fund.
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